Beating the Attention Economy

Everything electronic today is designed to take your attention. As you scroll through Twitter or Facebook they are offering your other people’s terrible opinions or pictures of their meals in exchange for showing your ads for things you don’t need. Snapchat injects ads between your friend’s stories. Youtube shows too many preroll ads. Time is a finite commodity that you can only offer so much of and should probably be spending it more wisely. How can that be achieved though?

Self control

When you don’t need your phone in your hand, don’t have it in your hand. This is a hard thing to do at times especially if you are accustomed to it. Next time you are at the grocery store waiting in line to pay for your food leave your phone in your pocket. Let your thoughts run free, look at what is around you, make plans in your head, just do anything other than let the time stealing gremlin out of your pocket.

We’ve all had this happen: You need to send a message to someone or write down a note. You pull your phone out of your pocket and immediately cannot remember why you pulled it out and now you’re looking at Tiktok. Train yourself to only use your phone for what you want to use it for. Send that message or write that note and put your phone away.

Access Restriction

If you can’t trust yourself to stay away from time wasting apps and websites there are many solutions. Apple and Android phones have built in screen time restrictions that only allow you to access apps for a set number of hours every day. Apple refers to this as “screen time”, Android calls it “digital wellbeing”.

Computers do not have the same screentime limiting features as phones but there are still methods. There are browser extensions that can limit the amount of time you spend on a website in the same way phones do. Your internet router might also support parental controls that limit at what hours certain websites can be accessed when a device is on your home wifi. That way if you work from home you can completely turn off access to social media sites during working hours and have access immediately return at the end of the day. Just because it’s called “parental controls” doesn’t mean that it’s just for your kids. Be your own parent. There are also dedicated applications that will monitor your internet and block sites after you’ve spent too much time on them.

Go Low Tech

Just don’t bring your phone with you. It’s that simple- no phone, no distraction. If you really need a GPS to get somewhere then buy a dedicated GPS device to put in your car or just leave your phone in the car when at your destination.

Years ago I installed an alternative operating system on my phone called GrapheneOS. I went into it with the expectation that I was trading enhanced device security for most apps not working on my phone. It turns out that Graphene works fine and hasn’t failed to install or run any app, but I decided to keep the mindset and just pretend that an app wouldn’t work and not install it. The number of apps installed on my phone years later is still only about a third of what I had installed before switching over. If you uninstall an app from your phone you cant access it anymore, plain and simple.

Find alternative ways to access content while restricting yourself from scrolling the apps. I have an Amazon Kindle that I use for reading books. It is completely incapable of accessing social media. Its only use is to show pages of books. When I use it I don’t have the ability to switch apps and suddenly be looking at Twitter because the last 2 pages of my book were kind of boring. I’d probably be reading a lot less if I were using a phone because at any point I could swipe my screen and be looking at terrible political takes on shady Telegram channels.

Replace your phone with something analog. Rather than pulling your phone out of your pocket to write down a note and risk getting sucked into hole that is as deep as your Twitter feed is long (that is to say, infinite)- buy a pocket notebook. Whatever shopping list additions, remembered dreams, prayers, or personal memos you need to write down a notebook cannot tempt you with “content”. The worst you can do to yourself is flip through a few pages and read back what you wrote down yesterday instead of pocketing your notebook right away after you’re done writing.

Notebooks aren’t the only tool nearly killed off by phones. Instead of using your phone to listen to music consider getting a portable mp3 player and loading up your favorite songs (that you own instead of just streaming, there’s a plus) like it its 2008. Wear a watch so that you aren’t checking the time on your phone. Smart watches don’t count. They show notifications which are just temptations to look at your phone.

How to migrate from YouTube subscriptions to RSS subscriptions with TinyTinyRSS

Over the last several years Youtube has been changing their user interface in ways to make it harder for viewers to see posts from content creators that deviate from YouTube’s political and social ideology. In 2014 the subscriptions page would show every video posted by every subscribed channel in order from most recent to least recent, with no special treatment given in thumbnail size or weighting the order in which videos are shown. The total number of videos shown on a 1920×1080 screen was approximately 5 rows by 6 columns (if I remember correctly). The subscription page is back now, but for a time, it was completely removed and replaced with an abomination that is very similar to the current home page, where instead of showing recently posted videos, youtube would have horizontal showcases of the most relevant or popular videos by a single channel. As you can see in a screenshot of my home screen, channels that I not interested in and not subscribed to are being advertised to me instead of showing relevant content.

Scrolling down would show more showcasing either by channel or by topic. Much of the content was not curated by the user through subscriptions, rather it was curated automatically by YouTube and often caused frustration for users because the content was low quality. YouTube’s current trend is to lower the quality of recommended videos by removing many historical, political, and pro first and second amendment videos. Going by their trend, it is likely that they will turn their evil eye against subscriptions again in the future. I decided before then to simply use a different service to curate youtube content to avoid new frustrations with the service.


1. Export subscriptions from YouTube

Go to the subscription manager page and scroll to the bottom of the page. Click “Export Subscriptions” to download the .opml file to your computer.

2. install TTRSS

Instructions are listed on the TTRSS website. When creating the database remember to collate the database using UTF8 Unicode. The standard collation in Postgres cant handle extended 4 hex emojis and will crash when one is encountered in the feed.

3. import your subscription feed

  1. After creating an account and logging in on TTRSS, click “Action…” then “Preferences” in the upper right.
  2. Select the “Feeds” tab.
  3. Select the “OPML” group
  4. “Choose File” > select your file > “Import My OPML”
  5. You can choose to put these into a folder if you like.

4. how to manually add new youtube channels to your feed list

Case 1: the channel ID is in the URL

Example: the channel URL for YourMovieSucks is

The channel ID is UCSc16oMxxlcJSb9SXkjwMjA

The resulting RSS URL to add to TTRSS is

Case 2: channel ID is not in the URL.

Some channels reach a minimum subscriber count to be able to set their channel URL to replace the channel ID with their channel name.

Example: The URL for the channel TheGreatWar is, but that’s not the channel ID.

To get the channel ID, open the landing page of the channel you want to subscribe to (not the Videos page or any other page) and look at the source of the page. This can be done in Firefox with ctrl+u or right-click > View page source. Search the page source with ctrl+f for channel_id. There should be one match which includes the entire URL needed to subscribe with TTRSS.

Subscribing to an individual feed can be done with “Actions…” > “Subscribe to Feed”. Paste the link into the field and click “Subscribe”.

FIX: Nginx starts without errors, but wont bind to any ports

While trying to create a new website last night I ran into the issue of not being able to bring it online. Instead, when trying to access the domain nginx would redirect the browser to the website marked as default_server in my nginx configs. This is normal behavior when a domain points to your server but you don’t have a server set up in nginx for that domain, or if you access the host via IP instead of a domain.  I checked permissions for the files (correct), I checked that nginx was running under the correct user (correct), and I checked that the other websites were still up (they were), I checked that I had properly symlinked the config from sites-available to sites-enabled (looked good but it was the root problem in the end). I decided to try removing a site and and re-adding it to see what would happen. After restarting ngnix, both the new site and the one I tested with are now not working. Being that it was 2 in the morning and obviously a great time for me to be working on a server, I felt the best course of action would be to remove and re link every single link in sites-enabled. None of the sites would come up with the error “connection refused”. nmap showed 80 and 443 as closed on the server. I tried setting a site to display on port 8000 and that also stayed closed. No matter what I did i could not get a error to show or any ports to open. Even after backing up my files, purging nginx, and reinstalling I was not getting new results.

The issue ultimately was the way I was symlinking. instead of running ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/config /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/config I was running (from sites-available as my working dir) ln -s config ../sites-enabled/config. Unbeknownst to me, nginx wont throw any errors or warnings about bad symlinking and will ignore any improper symlinks in sites-enabled. Furthermore, when there are no active configs telling ngnix to use ports 80, 443, etc., it will not bind those ports (obviously).